The Geometra 2 archive will close

The Geometra 2 archive will close

The Geometra 2 archive will be closed as of 2022-12-31

We remade Geometra 2 (New Geometra as it was also called) in February 2019 to function only as an archive to be able to look at old projects.
It is now time to shut down the Geometra 2 archive, i.e. the Java-based version of Geometra that some users have had access to. The date when the archive will be permanently closed and the existing data will be deleted is 2022-12-31.
The shutdown is because it has been over three years since we switched to the web-based versions of Geometra, and almost no activity is left in the archive today. Hence, it is time to take the platform out of service.

What do I need to do?
For those with data left in Geometra 2, it is time to export and print the documents and data you need to save. If you need help getting your data out, contact support at, and we will show you how to do it.

Do you have questions?
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