About us

We are Rukkor, a software company in Ystad, Sweden, developing software to help people become more efficient in their work. Our products are easy to learn and use, regardless of prior knowledge.

We excel in programming and development but also understand the value of good user experience. Are you curious about what we can offer you? Find out here.

Our way

Think responsibly
When we make decisions we carefully weigh the effect on customers, partners and employees. We lead, collaborate and develop in a responsible manner.
Create value
What we build must bring true value to our customers. Using our products and services should feel empowering and coincide with our creation of value.
Commit to quality
We deliver products and services of the high quality. Thisdoesn’t mean we’re without fault but we do not negotiate about quality. Werefine and develop our products to meet our customers needs and expectations.
Every voice matters
We value all types of feedback, regardless if it’s from our own team, our partners and our customers. No idea is dismissed and every piece of feedback plays a part in shaping our company and our products.
Leave an impression
Every contact is an opportunity to do good. We understand the value of each meeting and believe dignity and respect is the only way. No matter who we meet.
Strive forward
We stay up to date about technology and security. We are inspired by gaming, which is always at the forefront of great user experience and accessibility for the masses. We learn something new, every day.

The Dream Team

Fredrik Sjöbeck
I believe we’re only just getting started!
Fredrik Sjöbeck
I’m closing in on 20 years of experience in the construction software industry. My daily work consists of designing systems architecture, technical infrastructure, drawing user interfaces and creating great user experiences along with leading a fantastic team here at Rukkor.
Christoffer Schmidt
If it doesn’t work, it will work anyway.
Christoffer Schmidt
I’m the lubricating oil in the Rukkor engine. My knowledge ranges from marketing, sales, finance and business development, and I support the organisation in many areas. But my main focus is, after all, the company’s finances.
Martin Wikerud
Account Manager
Some days, I amaze myself. Other days, I put my keys in the fridge.
Martin Wikerud
Account Manager
I have been working in the construction industry for 10+ years, with a little bit of everything. Since 2014 im supporting and educating people in construction software. My main goal is to provide the best support I can.
Tommy Brede
Agent Norway
Every day is a great day!
Tommy Brede
Agent Norway
I have been working in the Norwegian market with software solutions for the construction industry for 30 years. This has been a fantastic journey from how it was back in 1991 compared to today. My prime mission is to constantly improve myself to give our customers the best service and support. I hope we talk soon!
Samira Sjöbeck
Customer Relations Manager
It’s always impossible until it’s done!
Samira Sjöbeck
Customer Relations Manager
I bring a lot of enthusiasm and energy to my role where I actively manage and take responsibility for building strong customer relations and handling the aftermarket. At the same time, I collaborate closely with the sales and marketing team. I have previously worked in logistics and sales, but I find it exciting to be part of the tech industry and to work for a company that develops future software.
Caisa Ekenberg
Content Manager
I work to live, but I am passionate about my job!
Caisa Ekenberg
Content Manager
Communication and marketing are my main areas. I'm the company's copywriter and strive to create straightforward, relevant, and enjoyable content! Rukkor appears and thrives in an exciting industry, and I look forward to the future. I have previous experience in the publishing industry and most recently worked in the real estate sector as a communicator.
Bianca Sjöbeck
The Ceo Dog
Love and food is all you need in life.
Bianca Sjöbeck
The Ceo Dog
Bianca has been entertaining and guarding the Rukkor office since 2019. She is a goofy Great Dane that everyone loves, and she spends her days snoring on the sofa while others work hard.