"Many customers want to be able to integrate other programs with Geometra, and soon there will be a solution"

"Many customers want to be able to integrate other programs with Geometra, and soon there will be a solution"

We previously published part 1 of the interview with our CEO, Fredrik Sjöbeck. You can read it here. There, he reveals a couple of news pieces coming in the new version of Geometra later this spring. This is the continuation and conclusion of that interview. Enjoy reading!

A new generation of Geometra is coming soon

A new generation of Geometra, version 5, will be released this spring. The goal of the new version is to make the program even easier for users. The most significant change will be an improvement in visual appearance.

Export data in real-time with webhooks

A major feature in Geometra 5 is the ability to connect data to other tools. Many users currently export data from Geometra to Excel or other spreadsheet programs. A solution to simplify this process will be based on webhooks.

Here's how it works: You designate a destination for your project in Geometra, where the data will be delivered. It's easy to set up; you connect once per project. All information is then sent from Geometra to the destination in real time. It allows the IT department to build its own solution for sending all project data wherever needed.  

"Many customers want to be able to integrate other programs with Geometra, but they might need to learn how to do it. Soon, there will be a perfect solution for this with webhooks. Often, integrations are associated with significant costs, but not in this case”, Fredrik points out.

Webhooks are a standardized format in technical services and are widely used today. For those working in IT, this is a very simple solution to set up.

Preview at Nordbygg

Nordbygg is approaching, and we are an exhibitor. At the fair, we will showcase Geometra 5, but we will release the new version after the fair. In the booth, visitors will see all the new features, the new interface, and the new templates. Of course, we will also conduct live demos on-site.

"There will be something for everyone. Those already working in Geometra will hopefully see the opportunities with the new features and how they can facilitate a simpler workday".

"We hope for many good conversations with our colleagues in the industry. Our new integration solution with webhooks opens up for collaborations where we have common customers", says Fredrik.

Past and future

Looking back historically, Geometra has evolved tremendously. The technical journey has been gigantic. The technology has matured immensely, and the product we can deliver today with Geometra is a very stable program. We have a competent development team working on Geometra. They maintain a very high quality, and the delivery is fast.

"Most problems with bugs and other issues that arise when the technology isn't quite mature don't exist in the same way today. We're not a huge company, but we are at the forefront regarding technology, and we can measure ourselves with the larger software vendors. Additionally, we have a solid support team that is always available. That's a tremendous strength for us”, says Fredrik.

"My vision is to continue developing software that is easy to understand and adopt. We demonstrate this clearly with Geometra 5. At the same time, we're sketching out new products and services; some are in the conceptual stage, while others are well advanced in development. Without revealing too much, they are similar programs to Geometra, where we see that we can meet a need for a broader market", Fredrik concludes.