Use our support and training to benefit from all Geometras features

Use our support and training to benefit from all Geometras features

Even during your 30-day test period, our support is available to provide you with a demo of how to use Geometra. It is included in your test period. We believe that personal contact with you at an early stage is important to show you how the application is used. A demo of the program usually takes about 30 minutes. After that, we are available to answer questions, give tips on ways to work and examples of how you can use Geometra in your calculation work. Naturally, we do this throughout the test period.

When you sign up for a license after the trial period, we also allow you to get more in-depth with the application – all in order for you to get as much as possible out of your license.

During the demo, we share screens via TeamViewer and show how to start your Geometra and get started working on your project. We show you how to:

  • Create a new project, upload files and drawings and how to set a reference measure so that all your measured values are correct.
  • Use the measurement tools to calculate areas, lengths and volumes and how you can easily change degree angles to calculate net areas on roofs or slopes.
  • How to create a folder structure to keep track of your measurements in the project.
  • Use calculation rows linked to your measured values to describe what work is to be performed, which material is to be used, the time consumption that applies and the price per unit.
  • How to export measured values and calculation rows to generate easy-to-use filterable tables and how to print your drawings with the measured values on them.

After the demo, you should be able to continue working on your own in peace and quiet and use us for support and a sounding board.

When you sign up for a Geometra license, we offer an hour of in-depth study on how to do more industry-specific tasks tailored to your personal needs. But of course, we are always available to assist you when you need help or have any questions about the application.

Geometra is an easy-to-use application, and we hope you will find it powerful and time-saving when calculating. As the support team, we often see these questions from users, and therefore, we would like to take an extra look at these issues:

  • Difficulty uploading files/drawings.
  • Which reference measure applies, and how can I find one if there is no specified shell length in the drawing?
  • How do I get my measured values when exporting, and how do I get marked areas and values on the drawing when I save or want to print?
  • How do I create a folder structure that is appropriate for my project?

Difficulty uploading files/drawings.

In Geometra, you can upload several file types, and it does not have to be drawings only, but can also be other existing documents such as job descriptions, pictures, invoices etc. The most common are documents in PDF format. Ensure that the files are not zipped and that you have “unpacked” them. The easiest way is to drag them to a folder or place them directly on the desktop. Give the application some time to upload the files. If you press the Refresh button too early, the upload will stop, and the files may break.

How do I get my measured values when exporting and printing.

Remember that the values to be included in the export must be marked, i.e. selected and checked. This applies to both the measured values and the calculation rows. The same applies when you want to include marked surfaces on your drawing.

How do I create a folder structure that is appropriate for my project?

Feel free to create a couple of folders even before you start measuring. Name the folders, for example, by floor plan, apartment, stage or material. When the folder is selected, the subsequent measurements you make are stored in that folder until you choose another folder. If necessary, you can also add new folders and move measurements between the folders by using drag-and-drop.

In our Help Center, you will find answers to many frequently asked questions. Go to our Help Center >

After using Geometra for a while, you will find that you can do so much more than you first thought. Then it is time to book one of our course opportunities, where you will get in-depth insight and training on how you can structure your projects, how you calculate and how you can divide up the projects in your organization and follow up on the status of different project parts. We also teach you how to create good tender and production data. Simply put – how to use Geometra’s full potential. There is ongoing development work on the functionality and performance of the application. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you book one or more courses, preferably once a year. It can be an industry-specific course, how you work with 3D / BIM, or how to calculate correctly to include all costs. All the courses have in common that you should become better at creating profitable calculations and win more jobs. We are here to help you with that!

Read more about our courses and book here.