"Now we have full control over our takeoff process"

"Now we have full control over our takeoff process"

Robert Linder is a calculation engineer at NBI Bygg AB in Sjöbo, Skåne, working in the construction industry for 16 years. He primarily works on cost estimations and time calculations for projects and contracts in private and public sectors. Robert uses Geometra for quantity calculations and finds numerous advantages in using the tool.

"It's easy to create a simple and clear structure for measurements in Geometra. The ability to save and trace all data is very beneficial for future projects. The user-friendly interface makes it smooth and easy to understand," says Robert.

When Robert started as a calculation engineer, he used a special measurement table and measured directly on paper drawings with a scale ruler. At that time, he couldn't save any measurements digitally, making it easy to lose track of what was quantified. Now that the entire measurement and takeoff process is digital, there is control, and much time is saved.

"One feature that I appreciate a lot is the export tool. You can colour-code and tag names directly on the drawing and export them as a printout. Supplementing it with an Excel sheet where all the information is linked to the drawing makes it easier for those who will be constructing it. We can also use the same export as a basis for material procurement. Previously, we used to send an Excel list with data and supplemented it with numerous screenshots of the drawing, but now we don't have to," continues Robert.

A green project

NBI Bygg is a general contractor that builds everything from schools to offices and multi-family residential buildings. Currently, they are constructing a multi-family residential building in Brunnshög, Lund. It will comprise 61 condominiums, a commercial space, a bicycle garage, and a basement. It's a green project where many environmentally conscious decisions have been made. The building will have solar panels on the roof and planting balconies for the residents. Rainwater will be collected in special tanks that wil lirrigate the plantings on the balconies.

"In this project, we have used Geometra both as support in production and for ordering and purchasing goods. I have also found the export function in Geometra beneficial for this project. There are many industry requirements concerning windows, for example. It's great to input all the information on the drawing and export it with a single click," concludes Robert.

Are you curious about Geometra and want to try out the tool? Book a free demo here >