Geometra - v5.0.7
Geometra - v5.0.7
The last update for the summer to Geometra is in, and we're adding a new feature so you can more easily sort and organize your estimates using drag and drop. Now you can finally get them in the order you wish. We also added automatic sorting for categories and templates, which should now all sort alphabetically. Additionally, we added an option to enable filters for your estimate tree right next to the estimate selection at the top of the tree to make it more accessible.
- [2645] Added the option to sort estimates in any order the user wishes using drag and drop in the list.
- [2596] Users can now choose to clear the input for Nr/Tag on structure templates and leave the field blank.
- [2637] Categories and templates are now automatically sorted alphabetically.
- [2644] Added a button at the top of the estimate tree where users can more quickly access the filters for the tree.
Bug Fixes
- [2656] Fixed a bug where sorting using Nr/Tag didn't correctly update in real time.
- [2649] Fixed a bug where an error occurred after deleting grouped objects across pages.
- [1723] Fixed a bug where some options for estimates weren't correctly disabled when the estimate was locked.
- [1723] Fixed a bug where an error occurred when adding IFC objects.
- [2653] Fixed an error when importing duplicate structure templates.
- [2655] Fixed a bug where the folder name for structure templates for drive could be empty.
- [2647] Fixed a bug where search data didn't show correctly when switching template modals.
- [2654] Fixed a bug where the Import Row button wasn't correctly disabled in some cases.
- [2638] Fixed a bug where changing the amount of a row would sometimes not adjust to the correct unit.
- [2652] Fixed a bug where Cancel and Delete buttons weren't working correctly in some cases in some modals.
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