Geometra makes everyday life easier for project managers and calculators

Geometra makes everyday life easier for project managers and calculators

Thomas Dahl works with cost estimation and project management in his company, Atelax. Working with digital tools daily is a given, to work smoothly alone and in collaboration with others.  

Thomas has worked in the construction industry for many years, previously as an employee, but for the past six years, he's been self-employed. Atelax, Thomas works with project management and cost estimation for construction companies in his own company, Atelax. In the beginning, he would draw and estimate using paper drawings, just like he did throughout his career. But when a client told him about Geometra, he quickly switched to digital cost estimation. Thomas uses Geometra to create his spreadsheets, exporting the results to other software. Thomas spends most of the working day in front of the computer, where he can quickly move between different projects and clients.

- I calculate quantities based on tender proposals, and drawings are always a good starting point in large projects. If it's a rebuild or when a control measure is needed, I go to the site to supplement the information, but generally, I work from the office.

When Thomas receives the tender proposal, he imports it into Geometra. In Geometra, he can collect everything in a project folder. Geometra supports 2D and 3D model drawings and offers customers unlimited file storage. Thomas stores cost estimations in Geometra. From here, it's easy to export data to other programs. He doesn't need to change anything in the file, as Geometra supports the most common file formats. Because Geometra supports BIM, the project also has digital traceability. Thomas finds it easy to work with Geometra. He recalls that it was quick to get started learning the program. Geometra is intuitive to understand, designed with pen and paper as a starting point. Therefore, it works just as well for those who have never worked in the program or industry.

- Geometra is very easy to use. My 15-year-old daughter recently did an internship with me and learned Geometra quickly. After a short while, she learned to calculate from the tender proposals and was able to help me. The program is time efficient and easy to create a good foundation.

Thomas particularly appreciates that he can adapt the program based on his desired structure. It also makes it easy to collaborate with other contractors and use different work methods for various project types or clients. Geometra is inspired by the analogue way of working and is designed based on the user's needs. It doesn't take more than 30 minutes to learn since it's easy to use the program. Geometra is used for cost estimations, but also calculations and project monitoring.

Are you interested in testing Geometra? Try it free for 30 days!