Color / Wallpaper & Color

Color / wallpaper:

Depending on the material you selected in the previous column (AMA code / add-ons), you will get a number of options. If you do not find the material you are looking for, you can change the number in column number 2.

The material price that is included in the calculation is the supplier's basic price list for painting. The price refers to what the customer has to pay and not what you have for the purchase price.

More about material surcharge settings can be found  here .

The price also includes a break surcharge on the BAS colors. You will find in the material list, for example: Wall color 7, which means that we count on a 10 liter without breakage surcharge.

If you scroll further down the list, there is also wall color 7 BASE 1, BASE 3, etc. Here it will then be the material price + break surcharge.

NOTE! Should any material be missing, please contact support


This field is a free text field. Fill in any break code. The listing here will also be visible in compilations and transcripts from the program.


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Ctrl + 5
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Ctrl + 9
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Ctrl + 0
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Alt + Shift + 3

2D / PDF

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Alt + Z
`Zoom In`
Alt + ArrowUp
`Zoom Out`
Alt + ArrowDown
`Fit to screen`
Alt + 0
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`Rotate right`
Alt + ArrowRight

3D / IFC

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Alt + 1
Select tool `Move`
Alt + 2
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Alt + 3
Select tool `First Person`
Alt + 4
Reset view
Alt + 0
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